Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Williams/Kristol: "Buddies"

Andrew Sullivan reminded me of one of my favorite moments of last night, Brit Hume's FOX suck-up buddy Juan Williams' reaction to Michelle Obama's speech. He seems genuinely shocked that such a time that a black woman can make a speech has finally arrived; I thought his thoughts were as great and touching as the speech itself.

But as I remember last night, the video cuts off before Bill Kristol, sitting next to him, spoke up. I can't remember exactly what he said, but here he is sitting next to his colleague (friend?) having such a beautiful, visceral reaction to such a historic moment, and what does Kristol say? "Yeah. I dunno. (Shrug.) Didn't do anything for me. There wasn't much there. No substance."

What a jackass. Is there NOTHING anyone close to you can do or say that will move you to spew ANYthing other than predicatble hack party bullshit?

SIDE NOTE: Did I catch Obama saying he was in St. Louis, when he was actually in Kansas City? That just shot through my ehad from last night...anyone else catch that, or am I imagining shit?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lord, you are a fag, I can't wait to see you in 11 days and straighten you up.
