Tuesday, September 02, 2008

BH 9021oh Shit, This is Gonna Suck

Although I know I'll suck myself into watching it, I can't say I'm holding out hope for the "new" Beverly Hills 90210. For one, apparently no copies were sent ahead to newspapers et al for review. Which apparently is tv-ese for "oh god, have we put together a steaming pile of shit."

Also, doesn't it seem like right up to the last minute they're asking the original stars of the show to join the cast? Every week we hear about them pitching to Ian Zeiring, or Nat, or the guy that was so ugly he had an affair with Andrea. It's about two hours before the show comes on, and you can almost hear them "Jason, there's still time - come on down, we'll reshoot the first show for you, buddy!!"

So I'll be holding my breath.

Notes on a REAL show HERE.

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