Friday, September 26, 2008


A lot of things have been said re: McCain’s absurd “riding in to save the country!” nonsense this week. Obviously, I think it was complete bullshit.

But now I’m faced with McCain supporter after McCain supporter defending him by saying “hey, he saw that a crisis was so great that he had to jump in and try to fix it!”

Really? A crisis so great…and yet…aren’t we in the middle of a coupla wars? Aren’t THOSE crises? If a war isn’t deep shit, what is? Yet I can’t recall John McCain even once over the last few months putting his campaign “on hold” to sprint back to DC to work on the war. Have you? Oh, he loves to spin anecdotes about soldiers and soldiers' mothers that come up to him and beg him to "win" the war etc, he loves to weep about the soldiers he talks to...but that's never enough to make him veer off the campaign trail, is it? No. But for some reason, this past week well, THAT was a real enough "crisis" for him to be distracted from his campaign. Interesting.

1 comment:

Gina said...

Action speaks louder than words or 'yarns', and experience speaks louder than 'rhetoric'. I guess he knows that. He'll be off to DC do deal with the war soon enough. I hope.