Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Bush's Speech

Hey, he's going thru McCain POW days. That's great, cause we haven't heard this story over and over. "Was in the Hanoi Hilton? Wha? REEEEEEALLY???!" Christ. Just like my blocked extra point against Lancaster, everybody's heard this story a million times. At Lancaster, by the way. The story where I blocked the extra point, made the score only 47-6. EEEEEEVERYBODY'S heard that one, where I barrel through two dudes and block the kick. Was their homecoming (we played everybody's homecoming.) But this one I blocked a kick, which I've told you guys a mikllion times already.

"I am grateful to share my walk in life with Laura Bush." walk, huh...ummm...better than her driving you, isn't it?

Weird watching him point out his parents, no? Makes him seem like a little kid after a school play. "Hi mommy! Hi daddy!" Doesn't help his "I'm not a helpless little baby!" case, does it?

I love that he's bragging about how great he's been for education. Thinks of himself as "The Education President." Kinda like Taft thought of himself as "The Slim Fast President."

Heeeeeey, the economy is growing!! Hooray!! Is the $600 check fairy coming to my pillow tonight? But enough about Jim McGreevey, back to the speech.

Ohoh...mentioned 9/11!! Rudy's gonna be PISSED!!!! Like the opening band playing I Melt with You at a Modern English concert, ain't it?

Bush is "optimistic." I guess so; he'll prolly make about 500% profit on that house in Crawford when he sells it January 21.

Requisite "my wife is better than me" joke. Camon, dude - she's only killed one dude in her life! You've sent THOUSANDS to their graves!! TOO HUMBLE!!!!!

Thankfully short speech.

ps - now Fred Thompsons's telling the same POW story. What is this, The Aristocrats? This reminds me of watching Thompson at the Republican debate last year.
- 8:52 Fred's video, amazingly even worse than Tancredo's. I'd say Thompson is a clueless nutbag, but that's an insult to my nutbag, which also is severely wrinkled and seems to be hanging around for no fucking reason.

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