Monday, September 22, 2008

Driving Me Bananas

I've always pronounced "Roosevelt" as ROWsevelt, as in row row row your boat. But some people say RUSEevelt, as in there's some giant ruse going on to confuse us re: the name. WHat the fuck - we've had 2 Presidents with this name in office for a total of 20 YEARS, and apparently we have no idea how the fucking name is actually pronounced. How did this happen? Did we miss it the first time Teddy said his name out loud, and as a country we've been too embarrassed to ask for the correct pronunciation at this point, 100 years later? "Oh yeah hey, look it's Franklin ahhhhh Ro(fake cough)evelt! Stand up you old bean, you're getting a hug!...what? Oh shit, sorry, forgot..."

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