Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I found myself watching Bill O'Reilly tonight, and there were two women talking with Bill re: Palin's "meetings" today. They were discussing her foreign policy experience, and Bill to his credit was rightfully grouchy re: why she doesn't seem to need to answer to anybody so far. Each woman on the panel played her role well, one backing Bill up while the other rolled her eyes. When Bill brought up the fact that Bill Clinton as a candidate had no real foreign policy experience, and yet he was subjected to the same press coverage as any other candidate, the GOP rep (however much a homer) said something that floored me.
Her: Hey, Bill Clinton went to an Ivy League school; he was an elitist! He went on to become a Rhodes scholar Bill, camon, nobody's interested in what he had to say!!!

Now I have TWO things to be pissed about: I came about exactly one generation before hot, blonde, 29 year old teachers started seducing their students, and before it became ADMIRABLE to be a shiftless, stupid layabout. Cause if these were the rules when I was coming up, I'd be getting laid every weekend, and probably a State Senator by now. Cause GOD FORBID we have leaders that, you know, have a brain. Hell, I've never read The Sound and the Fury, which means if I was ten years younger I'd have a chance at being president. I love to sit around watching Saved By the Bell and scratching my balls...it's a shame I wasn't younger, I could be president. As a young man I was lazy, shiftless, stupid...and, unfortunately, ahead of my time.


Tricia said...

favorite political blog post evah!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, let me recommend to you the recent piece in the NY Times opinion page, re: Aaron Sorkin's advice to Obama. Esp. the part about not shying away from the "Elitist" label.

How I miss the West Wing.