Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Enough. I'll Fucking Do It Myself.

A while back I wrote about the eye-opening process of realizing that the government wasn't controlled by ridiculously smart uber-achievers that would not have crossed the street to take a $1000 bill from me HERE.

And I see the financial geniuses collapse every day - now it looks like AIG is chucking it in. Lehmann Brothers, Goofus & Gallant Mac, whoever. They're all cashing in. And I'm watching Charlie Rose right now, and he's fucking wrestling with Hank Greenberg, the former chairman and CEO of AIG. Every question feels like torture, and I'm wondering why...and then I realize that this motherfucker is 82 years old.


Are you shitting me? He's barely breathing, trying to fucking reel out rote points. Pathetic.

There were time years ago when if you rolled out some government expert, I'd fucking listen. I'd assume he knew better than me, I'd assume he was so much smarter than me it wasn't even funny. Well, as I linked before, that's fucking gone. Now I'm thinking about financial markets, CERTAINLY a field of which I know NOTHING about, and I'm getting fucking annoyed. These people have gotten NOTHING right, and I'm sitting here listening? Really? To a fucking 82 year old?

These fucking "wizards" in financial markets are in danger of me realizing you know what, I could fucking do that. Drive a company into the ground? Check! Just like the administration. Gimme my fucking $80M parachute, fuck you.

I'm fucking annoyed. And guess what...it's a good thing Brokaw put out "The Greatest Generation" ten years ago...cause if he tried to put it out now, it might be fucking fiction.

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