Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Executive Washroom

Another annoying thing to hear from the right is the idea that "oooooooh, a single day of being an executive trumps any other experience in the world!!" (including, I guess, 25 years in the Senate? Hmm.) Palin was a mayor, a governor, so that's that she could be President. Rudy in particular was brilliant; I just saw an interview where he claimed that on the first day of her job as mayor, she had twice as much executive experience as everyone else on both tickets.

Hey genius - 0 doubled is not 1. It's still 0. I know you don't deal that well letters that aren't 9 or 11, but still. Camon.

But that's not my point. My point is, a certain someone's been wanting to run this country for a long time. And now that the door has been opened via this "executive experience" nonsense, now he's finally gonna get his chance. He's starting his campaign for 2012 - he's ready, he's experienced, and he knows how to run this country. And he's right HERE.

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