Monday, September 08, 2008

Free Book!!!!

Some of you may remember a while back I blathered on about how much I loved War As They Knew It, a chronicle of the "Ten Year War" between Woody Hayes and his protege, Bo Schembechler. My post is HERE. This book being, as I raved, a slice of slices.

My post got the attention of Kelly from the Hatchette Book Group (the publisher of the book), and she has given me an excerpt from a chapter HERE.

If you would like to read War As They Knew It, Kelly has VERY GENEROUSLY offered 5-10 free copies for me to dish out!!! So, just send me your name and address to and the book will be shipped to you promptly. Not bad, eh?

No word on whether this means her company will be publishing my memoirs. Of which Chapter Three (1980-1982) should be up early in the coming week. Refresh your memories with the first two chapters HERE and HERE.

Oh, and Kelly - the Mrs. Xmastime Dating Tour is still open to applicants! ;)

POSTSCRIPT: belated propers to the UG, who hooked me up with the book in the first place. :)


Nerdhappy said...


Anonymous said...

what? no ug hat tip?! sending over bruno.