Friday, September 19, 2008

The Mick!

I got a kick out of THIS when I read it this morning.
Morante, 65, was hired as an usher in 1958 and was once part of a six-man team dubbed "the suicide squad." They would escort Mickey Mantle from center field after each home game because fans routinely jumped over the rails and mobbed the popular Yankee.

"We'd say, 'Here we go, Mickey, let's move,'" Morante recalled. "Here I am, with one of my idols, helping to get him to the dugout safely."

That's not a bad gig, right? Fucking hanging out with The Mick after a game - you don't think a few cold ones and strippers got thrown your way? Not too shabby!! :)

"Great game, huh fellas?...okay, let's go hit some trim."

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