Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Noose Tightening

I'm usually not a negative fan. Long as my Yankees win, I don't care how other teams do. They all win, their fans happy, fine with me. But now that the Yankees have blown their season standing around waiting for Babe Ruth to show up and his 7-run homers, I have nothing to root for...other than what looks to be ANOTHER glorious Mets collapse! Coupla games left, Phillies breathing down their neck, the worst pen in the world....oh, man. Licking my chops to hear all those Mets fans crying AGAIN just like last year!! Boo hoo fucking hoo!!

Course. They could still get the wild card. But fuck 'em.

FUCK THE METS!!!!!!! C H O K E!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Who did you root for in the 1986 World Series?