Friday, September 26, 2008

Palin (My Solutions)

Please stop with the daily releasing of the Sarah Palin videos. I mean jesus christ, I'd say it was like watching a retard getting slapped around, but to say so would be an insult to George Bush, who was a retarded candidate for national office BEFORE it became "hip." Ugh. And now the video of her beauty pageant is out, so everybody can see the potential vice president strutting around a stage, preening her ass out for us all to sniff. Enough.

There's two things I have to say about Sarah Palin at this point. Number One the campaign did the EXACT wrong thing by keeping her locked up for these weeks. They shoulda let her come outta the gate like a cannonball. Yeah, she would've made the same mistakes she's making now, but 1) they'd be more forgivable as it'd be early, and 2) by now, later in the campaign, she might've grasped her footing a bit, and all the previous gaffes/stupidity would've been forgotten. It's like college football; it's better to lose early than late. And the way these idiotic moments and controversies pile up and off of each other like train cars on the tracks, nobody remembers last week's missteps. Foolish on McCain's part to lock her away so much early on.

Secondly, I'm taking a stab here, but I say that within the next week Palin drops out. Something will "happen" wherein she will claim that the demands of caring for an infant with Downs Syndrome require her to be at home and not on the campaign trail. Cue national collective "aaawwwwwwwwww." This way she leaves somewhat gracefully under the guise of compassion/motherhood etc. The question then becomes, who replaces her?

McCain campaign, because I just love doing the work of the people no matter what side of the aisle, I'm gonna TELL you what to do in such a case.

You tell nobody. You don't mention Palin leaving - in fact, you deny that she HAS left. Simply refuse to acknowledge everyone's clamoring about her leaving. And you simply carry on every day as if nothing has happened. And who, dear Xmastime, you are asking, who should actually take Palin's place then?


Fuck it, it worked 15 years ago, why not today?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sarah Chalke has my vote for anything she wants.