Monday, September 15, 2008


I feel like there's something fishy going on...if I am to believe the polls, it looks as if half the country is looking to vote for the party that has presided over complete financial collapse and ruin. Which amazes me. But then I remember well, 8 years ago we voted OUT the party that had presided over runaway financial prosperity. Everyone was making tons of money, and about 50 million people said "let's try something else." Now? "More, please."

Is nobody else amazed at this? Or is voting in a way that makes any sense at all simply just another thing as a country that we've begun to completely suck at? Can we get NOTHING right anymore? AWEsome!


Anonymous said...

Are you suggesting that poor lending practices & the fallout from them are somehow the fault of the GOP? I fail to see how, plz explain further.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous, plz GTFO.