Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I like what the McCain campaign is doing re: allowing as few reporters as possible in the room for Palin's UN meetings. Cause nothing says "I respect women!" more than "Is it possible to just have a camera on her, with no sound? And no reporters in the room?" All you women running from the Democratic party to vote for McCain, wow! You're so right about this one!!! Another GIANT STEP FOR WOMEN!!!

Maybe they should only allow Palin to be filmed while making cinnamon buns for her man? Serving beers to her fella during the poker game while one of his friends "playfully" slaps her on the ass? Does Howard Stern have any throwable baloney left over from his E! show?

I may vote for McCain now - women should be seen and not heard, right? Why doesn't he just start passing out these fliers?

ps - I am officially looking for a Photoshop intern. obviously.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

Did you see that ho all over my world leader crush, Hamid Karzai???!! Noooo, get away from my world leader, bitch! Not that Hamid really qualifies, but when he wears the hat he's so much cuter than Putin.