Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Real Hits

About a year ago I wrote HERE about how I Melt with You, while never a real "hit" had somehow become known by everybody in the world. And it occurred to me that "Ball and Chain" is another example of such a song. Wasn't a "hit" like whatever the next steaming pile Metallica will put out, but you could ask a housecat that's been in prison for 30 years and he somehow knows the song. "Ball and Chain? Oh yeah, sliiiiice. Meow."


Anonymous said...

Here are some shots of Mike Ness and the Boss. . .

Pretty cool for Bruce to get to play with a real rock legend.

Rambler said...

love ball and chain but love I Was Wrong even better.

Xmastime said...

great song, I Was particular, the backups were amazing. Story of My Life might be my #1, with Born to Lose #2.