Thursday, September 04, 2008

Sine Sine Cosine Sine

Obviously, the passing around of..."Trig" (ugh) at the Convention last night was a blatently cheap exploitation tactic by the GOP, aimed to tug at our heartstrings "ooooh look! Republicans love babies!! Awwww...let's vote for one! CAN we Mommy, can we?"

Duh. Politics 101.

However...did it not occur to anybody that hey, it's 10 o'clock at night...shouldn't this kid be in bed? Is a humongous room filled with thousands of people clapping and screaming the best place for a 5-month old baby to be at 10 o'clock at night? Really?


Nerdhappy said...

You are such a sexist.

Kiko Jones said...

Youngsters having sex and babies out of wedlock is a clear sign of parental failure, um, unless you're a Republican VP candidate, of course.

mamalizza said...

i had luke at a bruce concert at that age and i got so many 'isn't he too young to be here' comments. at least my kid was wearing earplugs for fucks sake.