Wednesday, September 10, 2008

A Time to Kill

Even though it gets a bit overrun with typical Hollywood corniness, I've always had a soft spot for A Time to Kill. As it was filmed at the time I lived there, it reminds me of when I lived in Oxford; in particular the scenes in the Square. I kinda feel like the flick was a goodbye gift to me so I'd always remember what it looked like down there. And it's about 17 hours long, you can fold yourself into it an pay as close attention as you want or don't want to.

Plus, this was before McConaughey decided he ended to play every character in every movie as "quirky." Roc was great as the Sheriff, Oliver Platt was a scene stealer and Spacey was Spacey. And the sweat - every time they showed her, Ashley Judd looked like she had just been dipped in melted Country Crock. Or Charlize Theron...whichever the fuck one she was. Sandra Bullock's character was just too corny.

And, of course, Screamin' Sam was awesome as usual.

A Time to Kill. Lil soft spot, all I'm saying.

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