Saturday, September 20, 2008


I've always considered one of my greatest achievements to be the Summer of 1991, when I fended off Brothatime!'s hectoring for my grades from the previous spring semester. You should've seen me, I was was at my most brilliant, lying peak - every day, a new lie re: what had happened to my grades. "Dammit, the fucking Post Office!"; pretending to call while he's standing there "nobody knows what happened...I'm on hold...these idiots!!..." Man. For over three months, I kept up this "mystery" about what had happened to my grades. Furrowing my brow, slamming down the phone, "I'm about ready to jump in the car and fucking drive down there, see what the fuck is going on!!!" It was as if I won an Oscar for a movie that was 2,160 hours long. Brilliant. I doff my cap to myself. (Obviously I had them the whole time...D, F, D-, C+, B.)

So you'll excuse me if I see an article such as THIS and yawn to myself, unimpressed. 36 times? that's it? Poor, sweet naive McCain/ me in three months if you're still pulling it off.

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