Friday, October 10, 2008


The thing about McCain flamethrowing Obama with all of his Ayers stuff is I've noticed that it's done only at McCain rallies. The screaming, booing and middle fingers pointing at the mention of the "relationship" between Obama and Ayers tell me well, these are people already way in the tank for McCain. No undecided voter walks into a McCain rally, hears things about Obama and Ayers and instantly gets worked up into a frenzy of screaming and flipping the bird. Which makes me wonder two things. One, how much of a waste of time is this for McCain? 26 days out, and all he's doing is lathering up people that would already jump in traffic for him? Good for the ego maybe, but politically smart? I wouldn't think so. One vote = one vote; you don't get extra votes for passion. Which lends itself to my second question, which is how much time should Obama really put into the whole episode? I guess he can't completely ignore it, but anything more than a crisp, daily official denial seems like a waste of time to me. The only people who pretend to care about it are already McCain crackpots, so why fan the flame? Let the same 3,000 people lose their minds over and over at these rallies and be done with it.


Gina said...

You're right. People outside of the McCain camp really ought to learn about the terrorist activities of Professor Ayers. As for Obama, what's to deny? Facts are facts. Sure, people can change, but Ayers is flagrantly unrepentant. Had it not been for a technicality, the man would prolly be picking up soap in a shower at some federal penitentiary. Fats are fats.

Anonymous said...

gina, have you read the facts about the situation that "brought them together"? it's an organization that is run by a personal friend of ronald reagan (choke) and a SUPPORTER of mccain. why don't you ask him why he was seated on the panel? a panel that included many republicans. you know, local politics can bring together strange bedfellows, most times to bring a local issue into focus. i'm not defending ayers, i just don't see how this smears obama. tell me you aren't one of the crazies that thinks there's a backroom agenda that he's gonna unleash once elected. it's preposterous AND it would never fly if it was. "sorry america, you fell for it! i'm changing the seal of the president." i'd like to think that americans are smarter than this, but after watching that wretchedly sad town hall meeting where mccain had to call people off (and props to him), i know that isn't always the case.

Gina said...
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Gina said...

Good point, Rr. I was actually thinking if ONLY we right wingers could be a little less passionate about our causes, you know, maybe a little less loud mouthed and longwinded about our sayso? Maybe choose to sit back with raised eyebrow when faced with these debacles...Maybe then we'd get a little more respect from our Democratic brothers and sisters, and maybe this would seem a little less of a witch hunt to y'all. Of course, in politics, especially in these last days before an election, THAT will NEVER happen. Gosh, who knows what's gonna happen once Obama gets in there. No telling, 'cept for the tax thing (raised eyebrow).

I was also thinking, and here we go (I was gonna say this before). Just say that McCain were chosen by one of the founders of some defunct far right wing terrorist group (previously known for bombings of abortion clinics), to disperse monies raised to further the interest of their 'subversive' causes...would I still vote for him? Not a chance. My point? Brilliant minds ( like Xmastime and his cronies) can become reprobate minds if their hearts are not in the right place. Obama's vote against medical treatment for aborted babies born alive clarified that issue for me.

PS. I hope she redecorates the White house. Cranberry and Nutmeg walls and country swags.

Gina said...

OK, maybe I would vote for him, but only if NO ONE GOT KILLED in the bombings!