Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Bill Ayers

The thing about Bill Ayers that's amazing to me is that here's a guy that once was involved in domestic terrorism, participating in the bombings of the NYPD, the US Capiatl AND the Pentagon - and yet today he is a professor in the College of Education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, holding the titles of Distinguished Professor of Education and Senior University Scholar. How did that happen? Now, obviously I am not condoning the bombing acts, but to have those things on your resume and still somehow rise to such a level professionally, to me that's pretty amazing. I would assume that if somebody found out I had an overdue library book they wouldn't hire me; this guy was involved in a Pentagon bombing that basically halted Vietnam for a few days and they were like hey, come on, we could use you as a professor. Maybe it was a tad misdirected in his youth, but surely this guy must have something impressive going on about him, no?

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