Sunday, October 05, 2008


Debate was silenced, expertise was punished, and diversity of opinion was anathema, so much so that his political opponents--other earnest Americans who want the best for their country--were, to him and his men, the moral equivalent of the enemy. It is important to note just how different such conduct has been from the conduct of other presidents from both parties.

Anyone who has drawn this sad conclusion has been dismissed as a "Bush hater" by those who defend the president.

I know we're all just kinda ignoring him, waiting for him to get outta the (white) house, but this is a pretty compelling article. I wonder how many more like it will start coming out once the blinding fog of this administration is lifted. Or if, as W himself thinks, he will be vindicated by historians as they find the whole world one big, Jesus-loving democracy (with no taxes.)

Mukluks tip: Andrew Sullivan

post script: someone in my building is cooking bacon. and it is driving me crazy.

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