Friday, October 03, 2008

The Debate

And I may not answer the questions that either the moderator or you want to hear, but I'm going to talk straight to the American people and let them know my track record also.

This line buy Palin has been rankling at me for almost 24 hours now. My first thought was that Ifill should've said "Oh yeah? Great!" and got up and left.

But now I realize of course it's not Palin's fault she was allowed to throw out such a glib, "sassy", means-nothing sentences; it's this absurd "debate" whose rules and lmitations should've led it to be named "A Night Wherein Glen Ifill Will Ask You a Question and then You Give Small Speeches While She Knits a Sweater." Worthless. Shame on both sides for even bothering to go through this nonsense. At least during the Obama/McCain debate Lehrer TRIED to get them to mix it up; turns out that under the rules of this one, such mixing it up was not even allowed. So what's the point? Why even have a moderator - how bout next time, the candidates throw a basketball back and forth every 90 seconds; whoever is holding the ball at that time speaks about whatever he/she wants to, unfettered. Show baby pictures, if you want. Will mean as much as last night did in the end. From now on, NO fucking debates unless it's a real, back and forth what the fuck do you mean by that, mofo? debate.

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