Thursday, October 02, 2008


I cringed watching Biden's slight emotional hiccup during the debate - usually I assume such a move is rehearsed bullshit, and usually it only works like a charm for anybody I am against. Of course. But I quickly thought of this from Sully, and it made me think well, maybe it will work with women, whom we're already finding out prefer a normal, calm dude to a war-mongering hawk looking to fuck shit up just for fucking shit up's sake. Such thinking would of course make women normal, rational human beings. Mostly though I assumed it would bite him in the ass - ESPECIALLY when the focus then changed to Palin.

Oh, shit I thought...this is gonna be her moment - she's had a softball loaded with children, children in need, almost-dead children LOBBED to her; she's gonna take this moment, wrap it up in some apple pie and tears and hockey mom earnestness that is gonna bring every viewer to his/her knees and make Hallmark go out of business ("We can't top that; we're out. PEACE!!") and crush Biden. Good night, farewell, it's been for reals.

But she didn't. Remarkably, she simply launched into whatever her next set of talking points was, as if she hadn't heard him at all. Or, worse, hadn't cared.

Now, I think all these debates are kinda bullshit. And obviously I was in the tank for Biden. But for her not to see the red lights going off and the alarms clanging at such a moment would make me wonder about her as a politician. And yes, I know that when it's convenient and hip during an election "politician" is a bad word; but guess what - if you wanna get ANYthing done, you have to be one, so. Her completely missing this moment was, to me, the most telling moment of the whole night.


Anonymous said...

plain and simple, she doesn't listen

Anonymous said...

What should she have said, O political genius?

Tricia said...

she should have acknowledged the moment, and could have done it with a few simple words.