Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Don't Make Me Pull This Blog Over

I tried posting a comment over on Unconquerable Gladness. The UG, who is lucky I even pretend to read such a rag (you like Obama, you have a bunch of kids and, from what we can surmise, are covered in fur. WOW! you're amazing), rejected said comment. 6 times. Meanwhile, "Catherine" and "Elizabeth" get the "come on in, put your feet up, do you like Fritos?" treatment.

UG has until 4pm to issue a public apology, or retribution will be swift, without prejudice and, to be short, disastrous for UG. Let's just say here what we all know: I give the word here on Xmastime, and UG goes away for good.

Let's hope they do the right thing. Tout suite.


Rambler said...

I always thought it was Toots Sweet! Heyyyoooo!!!!

Move Rambler up on the food chain as punishment.

Anonymous said...

what?! there is no regulation on comments. you aint even gotta unscramble a jumble. confused.

pls try again.