Thursday, October 09, 2008

Hockey Part II

A few days ago HERE I wondered why all of a sudden “hockey” was the new “apple pie” in Americana; what with Sarah Palin constantly telling us being a hockey mom made her Mrs. All-American (and not just 2nd place, like when she actually tried.)

I live in NYC, where I have at least 3 NHL teams at my immediate disposal. I am surrounded by tabloids and sports talk radio. And yet the pro hockey season started 4 days ago...has ANYbody noticed? Wtf? If a hockey season happens in the middle of a forest, does anybody hear it/give a shit? And yet HOCKEY is what’s supposed to warm our cockles about being an American and make us vote for her? Really?

Oh yeah, and ps: the season didn’t even start in America! They started the season in PRAGUE!! OFFSIDES, comrade!!!!!

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