Sunday, October 19, 2008

It's Getting Gassy in Here

I just noticed that the cost of oil has dropped from $145/barrel in June to $65/barrel now. Has anyone else noticed this? Remember a few months ago, every morning we'd wake up, check the price of oil and then scream our incredulity at each other?

And yet here we are a few months later, the cost of oil has been cut in half...and nobody seems to have noticed. Nobody has noticed and, even more telling, nobody has claimed credit for it. That seem strange to you? Gas is relatively the same price per gallon, yet oil has dropped from $145 to $65 per barrel. I'm wondering why the $80 drop has been so silent. When the price was going up, the oil companies sure let us know CONSTANTLY that they were getting their asses kicked, that we had no choice but to pay $4/gallon for gas. But now the shit has been knocked in half, and nobody seems to have noticed/mentioned it. How bout that.

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