Saturday, October 11, 2008

Last Night

And now it turns out the FBI abused the power granted to them by the godawful Patriot Act. I mean, jesus christ....with this gang, you barely have time to shake your head about one of their huge fuckups before another one comes tumbling down. It's hardly fun anymore for chrissake, who can keep up?!! I'm scared to hit my fucking refresh button. Law-breaking, hubris-fueled gaffes by these idiots is like a gotdam bus. Missed one? Don't worry, they'll be another one in a few minutes. - Xmastime, 3-09-07

Last night was pretty surreal, watching fuckup after fuckup come rolling in on the news. McCain's Waterloo with the "Obama's an Arab" lady, the report coming in on Palin abusing her power as governor and then, just to throw something in for kicks, it turns out that Bush's wiretapping "only on suspects of Al Queda" crew included listening in and having fun with private phone calls from soldiers to their families back home. I mean for fuck's sake, by the time they leave office will there be ANYTHING these people have not completely fucked up? Seriously, are they going down a checklist at this point? "Economy? CHECK! Moral high ground? CHECK! Hey, can somebody get on the wiretapping thing, make sure we fuck that up too? Thanks!" These people could fuck up a Porn-themed McDonald's.

And as for McCain and Palin, I guess the death knell is beginning to rev up. I don't know why; seems like in these times of war(s) and economic collapse their campaign strategy of "Obama knows someone who knows someone who knows someone who once tried to bomb Kevin Bacon" would be fairly flawless. Live and learn, I guess.

But don't fret, GOP - once again, AS USUAL, I am doing your work for you. If you're still in love with having two mavericks on the national ticket, I've already done the vetting and have the answer for you. YOU'RE WELCOME!!

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