Saturday, October 18, 2008

Like a Rolling McCain

Pretty fascinating article on the real life of John McCain HERE.

Take it with whatever grain of salt you wish, it is Rolling Stone of course. But if even 10% of this stuff were true, it's pretty amazing how long McCain was able to keep up his public profile as "maverick reforming populist war hero." I consider myself a bullshitter, and my cap is doffed at his tremendous works in this field.

Also, noting how long the press has for some reason given him such a free pass may explain his unique willingness to lie from one minute to the next during this campaign without it even occurring to him that someone could simply look up the facts and call him on his bullshit.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I sent that article to a few friends a couple weeks ago, a couple of them Obamicans, and we all said basically, even if all the info about his temperament and general dickish behavior isn't trustworthy, the dude crashed THREE PLANES BEFORE HE WENT DOWN IN 'NAM. Not a good track record.
Comeback kid? Please. Just the guy who fucks up before he does what he should've done in the first place.