Tuesday, October 21, 2008

McCain On the Membrane

I'm not sure I understand why he thinks he is somehow more "tested" by foreign powers as a president as Obama is. First of all, I don't remember McCain being president at any time in the past. So it seems to me that both of them have the exact same number of days in the Oval Office: 0. BOTH of them are "untested" as presidents so far; I doubt that if anybody wanted to "test" Obama they wouldn't try the same with McCain. "Oh the old guy won, let's put our missiles away and start a new democracy." Hmm.

Also, does McCain not understand that being a fighter pilot following orders is a different kind of test than the one he is claiming Obama is not ready for; ie a presidential test of CHOOSING whether or not to fight a foreign power? Does he not get that? Or does he think we should carefully inspect every single soldier/sailor we have to see that they're also ready to be "tested"? Really?

1 comment:

LoveJoy said...

Xmastime, you must be high. AS IF he ever followed orders when he was a pilot.