Saturday, October 04, 2008

OJ, Can You See?

There have been few flashpoints of racial divide in my lifetime bigger than the OJ Simpson murder trial. The words "Not Guilty" kicked off a singular racial standoff that hasn't been seen on such a wide, national scale since. And yet just now, reading about OJ's conviction yesterday in Vegas, I realized that NONE OF THE 12 JURORS WAS BLACK!!! What the fuck - was OJ's lawyer the worst lawyer of all time? How did he let this happen? "Hey, let's load up the jury with white people; surely they haven't spent 13 years, licking their chops for this moment. It's Juice, dammit!" Unreal. And why isn't this a bigger deal - all the articles I've seen, and this was the first one that even mentioned this fact. And even then it was in a casual, matter of fact way. Unreal.


Kiko Jones said...

Well, he can't afford a so-called 'dream team' anymore and since getting off is more contingent on how good your legal team is at creating reasonable doubt than whatever evidence there is against you, he lost.

Betcha Johnnie Cochran wouldn't have faced an all-white jury, that's for sure.

Anonymous said...

Was a semi big deal when they seated the jury a few weeks ago. I was surprised too.