Thursday, October 30, 2008

Red Meat

That someone would say stupid shit like this is no surprise to me; put a camera in front of any jackass and he'll try to say something to get on the news. But I'm always floored by the audience response to such things. Where do they find hundreds of idiots to lose their minds whenever one of these jagoffs says something this inane? I mean, I feel like I could get up and deliver the Gettysburg Address, and the crowd would be fairly muted. But with today's "red meat" audiences, there is nothing a speaker can say that is too outrageously false for an audience to think for a split second before they, on cue, lose their minds applauding. Unreal. The only thing I can figure out is that the GOP has hired the audience from KISS Alive! and is herding them from event to event. Otherwise, I am baffled.

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