Tuesday, October 07, 2008

Report Card Day. Ohoh.

"As far as our other issues that he brought up are concerned, I know the veterans. I know them well. And I know that they know that I'll take care of them. And I've been proud of their support and their recognition of my service to the veterans.

And I love them. And I'll take care of them. And they know that I'll take care of them. And that's going to be my job." - John McCain

Ohoh. Not so, according to The Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America's 2008 Congressional Report Card.

In McCain's defense, there were 2 Senators who had grades worse than him. Well. Out of 100. And hey, I got a D in Statistics one semester, so lighten up, what's the big deal? Shit ain't life and death, it's just a report card, peeps!!

Mukluks tip: Kiko Jones 13

UPDATE: The McCain campaign have confirmed that the grade was changed by a hacker who works for Obama, pictured below. Right now they're looking for him - if anybody has any information leading to this man's arrest, please let the authorities know

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