Friday, October 17, 2008

Robo-Calls (zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz)

WILLIAMSON: Where have you been, Shelly? Bruce and Harriet Nyborg. Do you want to see the memos...? They're nuts...they used to call in every week. When I was with Webb. And we were selling Arizona...they're nuts...did you see how they were living? How can you delude yours...
LEVENE: I've got the check...
WILLIAMSON: Forget it. Frame it. It's worthless.
LEVENE: The check's no good?
WILLIAMSON: You stick around I'll pull the memo for you. I'm busy now...
LEVENE: Their check's no good? They're nuts...?
WILLIAMSON: Call up the bank. I called them.
LEVENE: You did?
WILLIAMSON: I called them when we had the lead... four months ago. The people are insane. They just like talking to salesmen.

While it's fun to see McCain stoop to yet ANOTHER new low with these absurd automated robo-calls everyone's upset about - calls that inform the listener that on his first day in office Obama is gonna kill all America-loving white people while raping puppies with the bodies of dead kittens or some such - as I sit here it occurs to me that YET AGAIN McCain is completely debasing himself, making himself look like a shithead, and for what? Does he really think these calls are gonna work enough to be worth another act of complete shitheaddery? In other words, if you're gonna act like such dickhead, shouldn't you choose something that might actually WORK IN YOUR FAVOR?

First of all, nobody with cell phones is answering these calls (if they even CALL cell phones.) What do you do when your cell phone rings and you have no remote idea who the caller is? That's right, you don't answer it. So the only chance of anybody getting caught even answering these things would be people with land lines. And who has land lines these days? That's right: grandma.

Also, when was the last time you DID get caught picking up, and, upon hearing a RECORDING of someone talking, thought to yourself "You know, I should listen to this thing all the way through"? Prolly never. Someone could be calling to give me pillow cases made out of the Barbi twins titties, and I'm not listening long enough to know or care.

But hey, you know who MIGHT actually sit through the whole thing, thrilled to be hearing another voice "talking to them"? That's right: grandma.

So, as I said. McCain sinking to another level of creepily racist hate-mongering scare tactics, sending himself into MORE douchebaggery, and all that simply for...

Grandma's vote. Who, odds are, might've been voting for him anyways.

Way to go, John. You're a goddam GENIUS!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha Ha... that was a good laugh.

Desperate times call for weird freaky choices. In the words of Bugs Bunny, what a maroon!