Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Slavery 2008

The idea of redistributing wealth to the already wealthy (and the whole "Trickle Down Economics" fucking nonsense) is very akin fundamentally to slavery. Keep passing all the wealth amongst ourselves so that nobody else can get it, keeping the lower classes down? Sure! Enslave an entire race of people so that we can have cheap free labor, making even bigger profits for ourselves, keeping the lower classes down? Why not??!!

Both scenarios fall into the "Because they can" category. Nobody kept slaves because they genuinely thought black people were sub-human, created by God to be possessed by people with enough money to buy them. They did it cause the opportunity of keeping themselves wealthy while taking away any threat of the "have-nots" getting a hold of that wealth presented itself. Same with these absurd tax cuts - nobody pulling the strings for it actually thinks it's good for the economy, and will somehow "trickle" down to the non-wealthy. They do it cause they have the power to do so. Therein keeping themselves in their positions of power and wealth while making sure there's millions of people that are helpless to do anything about it. Sounds familiar, don't it?

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