Saturday, October 18, 2008

Taking Over the World!

I've never dickered around with the web stats for Xmastime; I get a number each day re: how many people pop in, but until just now I've never bothered to look at where they're coming from. I guess I assumed well, anybody coming here would be shit kicking American idiots like myself. But it turns out that just today, I was visited by multiple people from 39 foreign different countries; PLUS another 38 from "Unknown"...Mars? Chicks stalking me from pay phones?

I don't know if most of these were accidental or what, but it's astounding to me to look at this list and to think that MAYBE somebody in those countries took a second to read what I was thinking. Must admit - prolly the only time I've ever felt a real connection to the rest of the world. Awesome.

Then again, who else talks about fisting squirrels AND George Costanza?

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