Monday, October 13, 2008

Umm...excuse me? over here?

The biggest ever sale of oil assets will take place today, when the Iraqi government puts 40bn barrels of recoverable reserves up for offer in London.

Okay, so...lemme get this straight...we've spent five years in a war over there...overthrowing your bloodthirsty dictator...killing about 3000 of our own men...sending 20,000 kids home with injuries...including many, MANY amputees...all in the name of ... what our idiot president called your "freedom" and "democracy"... and yet when it comes time to unload 40bn barrels of oil... you... can't help us out a bit? Really? After all that, after all these years of us having to bow our heads to your "freedoms", we don't get dibs when it comes to your 40 BILLION barrels of oil? REALLY?

Well played, President Bushikins. "greeted as liberators", "oil will pay for the war" etc etc, and now we're getting the ol' "will you drive me to Tony's house so I can blow him?"

Seriously. After this, there is NO way a right-winger can defend this war. Enough. This is a joke. After all this, we have to BEG for the oil? Wow. Gee, the administration really IS so tough!! Wow, Republicans with their faux-hawkishness really ARE tough!!

Christ. Fucking idiots.

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