Wednesday, October 29, 2008

World Series

I'm not a Phillies fan, but it's great seeing them win the Series just so the stupid fucking Mets fans can go fuck themselves. As these idiots scratch their heads wondering why MLB didn't simply name them the World Series Champs each of the last two years ("but we're the best team, I swear!!!"), they must be wondering "Gee, did the guys not do enough 10-minute dance routines after every base hit during the season? Wait, is it NOT good to choke like complete pussies at the end of every year?"


I just noticed that for a prize they give the World Series MVP...a car. Wow. Cause if there's one thing a young dude with tons of money has yet to buy, it's probably a car. Thanks! Also, this being Philly, does the MVP get to choose which fan gets to flip the car over and set it on fire outside a police station? Curious to know.

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