Monday, November 10, 2008

Ah Yes, the Gays

As a tree-hugging left-wing commie-loving socialist, of course I find it absurd that CA just voted to ban the validity of gay marriage. But while I can accept that there are valid arguments for the ban, one of them is NOT the one I seem to hear the most, that "it's a slippery slope, allowing men to marry men may lead to people marrying animals, or anything else they want." Hmm. You know, if you get to use that argument for banning gay marriage, then I get to ban guns (mostly owned by the same people who would ban gay marriage, I'm guessing) with the argument of "well, if we allow you to use a 9mm handgun as a weapon, it's a slippery slope til we have to allow you to use jets as weapons and fly them into buildings."

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