Thursday, November 20, 2008

Another Great Idea

So now, according to this DVD, homosexuals are looking to flood your town and take it over. And, as Karl Rove et al have been warning us for a couple of days now, the gays are looking to become military fascists willing to use violence to get what they want. I guess my question is that if this is all true, and conservatives actually believe this, why are they so queasy about gays serving in the military? Sounds like the gays should BE the army: they're way into violence, are looking for a fight and don't mind re-locating. AND it won't matter how many of 'em die - they're all single, childless perverts going to hell anyways!

Seriously, right wingers? I'm getting tired of having to do the heavy lifting for you. I can't think of EVERYTHING for you people.

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