Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Yglesias links a humorous video via Rachel Maddow today after YET ANOTHER politician/pundit eschews "bloggers" as fat, Cheetos-eating Lord of the Rings-obsessed dudes living in their parents' basement.

Now, I'm not here to defend bloggers or even refute the fact that a large percentage of them may be Cheetos-eating Lord of the Rings-obsessed dudes living in their parents' basement. But. If you were a savvy politician, wouldn't you be smart enough to know that even if, say, 2% of bloggers matter in an upcoming election, it would be worth co-opting said bloggers? FDR had radio, and JFK owned tv - why would a politician at this moment not grab the reins and come out screaming FOR bloggers, thereby owning that media? I'm at a loss as to how a seasoned politician could not see how being the first person to really USE bloggers as a part of his political machine would be INCREDIBLY beneficial to him and his party.

Keep making snide comments, keep making fun and, just like the nerds from years ago who ended up being Bill Gates, you'll find yourself being on the Frankie Avalon side of things instead of The Beatles. Privately mock them all you want, but at least have the brains to use them, for fuck's sake.

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