Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Car Service Question

Since I'm a rich motherfucker, I took a car to work this morning, and at one point the driver sneezed. Or, I thought she sneezed - I was about to do the 'ol "God bless you" (which I usually don't bother doing, but she was kind of sexy - obviously I quickly surmised that saying 'god bless you' would more than likely thrill her into pulling the car over and blowing me while checking my prostate....well, made sense at the time), but then I realized I didn't know if she had sneezed or coughed. I froze - but then she did it again, and I STILL couldn't tell. I had no idea what to do - go ahead with the 'god bless you' and risk looking like an idiot for blessing a cough, or ignoring it and then becoming the douchebag rider who doesn't bother blessing someone after they sneeze? Obviously, as I do in any social situation which does not start off with me telling high school football stories and/or me telling high school football stories, I sat there, frozen and mute staring out the window. Did I do the right thing? Or did I pass up my first car service guts a' gettin? I'll never know. And that makes me sad :(


Nerdhappy said...

Dude, you bricked. What if the driver got in a crash, died, and is now in Hell because no one blessed her? Oh My!

The only way to make up for this is to say "God Bless You" with a point and a wink to 5 strangers.

Anonymous said...

maybe go with the secular "Bless You" that way if you were wrong, you at least look like you didn't try too hard. If you are right, well, then, you still get blown.