Saturday, November 15, 2008

CC Sabathia

I mentioned HERE yesterday my disgust with how the Yankees are handling the CC Sabathia "transaction." For fuck's sake, he's not Doc in 1985, he's not Pedro in 2000. He's a good pitcher, but he's not an over-the-top OH MY GOD pitcher of his generation for which no price is too high.

Also, am I the only one to notice that his NL stats are remarkably better than what he did in the AL last year? If I'm the Yankees that worries me a bit. You can say well, it was the Indians, or he wanted to be traded etc etc. But looking at his stats, other than two good years (2007 and 2001) he was 74-51. Serviceable yes, but hardly break-the-bank, its-an-insult-to-consider-offering-less numbers.

And as for this nonsense re: he wants to stay in the NL "so he can hit," I'm calling bullshit. More like "so he doesn't hafta face the DH/better AL teams."

I'm not saying he's not a pitcher worth having. But I'm perplexed by the Yankees' complete loss of rationale (even for them.)


Nerdhappy said...

Brian Cashman is awful.
Brian Cashman is awful.
Brian Cashman is awful.
Brian Cashman is awful.
Brian Cashman is awful.
Brian Cashman is awful.

Xmastime said...

i like him, but Im like dude...we get it, you feel you blew the Santana deal. let it go!