Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Democrats: Just when You Think They've Hit the Ceiling re: being pussies...

So Leiberman gets to keep his post as Chairman of on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs. The problem isn’t that this means Leiberman goes “unpunished” by the Democrats - “punishing” him will only be seen somehow as petty/partisan etc etc. But let’s be honest - he oversees a committee under which the subcommittees include “Oversight of Government Management” and "Investigations," and yet has conducted ZERO investigations into the current administration, which has been absolutely drenched in corruption/incompetence/who the fuck knows what. Stevie Wonder could see that "maybe I should take a peak into what these people are doing." Leiberman? nah, everything's cool, don't worry bout it. Wouldn't this suggest either gross incompetence on Leieberman's part, or his being in the tank/covering up for the Bush administration? The former is flat-out unacceptable, and logic would follow that the latter would now lead to him "all of a sudden" becoming very interested in investigating the incoming administration. It makes no sense to me why the Democrats would allow this to happen. They don't need to be seen as "punishing" Leiberman - can't they come out and say either he's done a shitty job, or they simply don't trust him, based on his previous 2 years as chairman? Wouldn't these be fairly understandable reasons to remove him as Chairman?

1 comment:

Nerdhappy said...

Is this definite or just rumour... I dont want to start cursing unless I know it's true for sure.