Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Devil Liberal Media!!!

I've said may times that the "liberal media bias" is a bunch of hogwash. For instance yes, maybe they fawned over Obama more than they did McCain. So did the American voters. Maybe both groups saw Obama as less of a complete douchebag as McCain?

Anyways, it looks like Ann "I Wish I Was Hot Like Laura Ingraham" Coulter has a book coming out whose raison d'etre is EXPOSING THE 'GUILTY' OBAMA MEDIA.

Yes, the "mainstream media" is SUPPOSED to give a factual, fair and balanced report on things. In an ideal world, that is. But for all our crying/hand-wringing if they don't the fact is, they don't really have to. They don't work for us. I watch MSNBC, but I don't pay them. They can spend an hour praising Hitler, and it's not on my dime. I can switch the channel if I want. Now, the sponsors, that's another story - if Pepsi gave two shits about how Chris Matthews was doling out his expertise, they, and whoever else has commercials at that time, can complain. Me, all I can do is whine on my couch and flip the channel. I'm tired of people whining about the "liberal media." They don't owe your lazy ass jack-shit. If you don't trust Chris Matthews is being "fair", then flip to one of the other 500 channels available, or go to one of the 9000000 websites you might trust. It's funny, the very people that whine about the "liberal media" are always the ones who are perfectly content to be shepherded over to a single channel at all times, FOX News. These are not a curious group of people after all; they can stop crying about the media as if they're always searching for another viewpoint. Cause they're not.

Any media has every right to "fawn" over Obama as Ann Coulter does to write her book. And guess what? I'm not paying a dime for either one.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Did you see that Ann Coulter broke her jaw and has it wired shut?

I know the ladies love X's yule log, but you gotta tell them they jam it in their moufs all at once. Even the horseface mandible can't accomodate that much girth.