Saturday, November 15, 2008

Dollar Billz

Some of you already know that I like to spend my weekends analyzing government spending policies, using statistics to break down how those portions of M0 held as reserves or vault cash + the amount in demand accounts, and I saw this Transaction Report. It's complete avoidance of small denomination time deposits quickly bored me, and after a few minutes of wandering I found myself on THIS PAGE, which features this handy little buying chart.

Am I the only person who sees this as the answer to the bailout? Instead of simply taking my money and doing who knows what with it, this would allow EACH AND EVERY AMERICAN to buy sheets of dollar bills from here at approximately 400 cents on the dollar and actually getting something in return. The government gets the cashola rolling in to give to Merrill Lynch et al, and we, besides just the priceless feeling of doing our jobs as great Americans, get sheets of uncut, unbankable dollar bills. We can frame them as art, we can use them as wallpaper - break the ice at your next party by having a roll in the bathroom!!!

Everybody wins. I can't believe I'm the first person to come up with this.

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