Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Earth: Flat

I like reading about outer space. I don't mean enough to actually study it with any amount of energy or diligence that would take me away from my Cosby Show studies, but I like reading those whack facts they throw out at you when they try to describe how big the shit out there is, or how many stars or something like that; it's always "imagine if every grain of sand on Earth could fit into a tennis ball, now take that tennis ball and make it the size of a refrigerator, now imagine if that refrigerator was the size of the head of a pin, and imagine how many of those pinheads it would take to fill up the sun...now, add 18...and that's how many stars there are." Shit always blows me away. I was just reading about a nova whose energy travels over 100 billion miles. I mean, what the fuck.

But then sometimes I'm reading this stuff and I'm like you know what...I dunno. I mean, how easy is it for these fuckers to make this shit up? Intermediate polars, these have a slightly weaker magnetic field than AM Herculis stars; there is an accretion disc, but substructure in it is created by the field? Really? Well, of course THEY have the data to back all this up, but I don't. I can question them "100 billion miles? Really?" And if they get snippy and say "well, YOU fucking tell us then, asshole!" I have no choice but to say I agree with them.

Hey, I'm a big believer in science, I don't REALLY doubt any of this shit...I'm not one of those crackpots who claim we never landed on the moon, I'm not REALLY saying they've been making this shit up for years. But I AM saying how awesome would it be if they were? Hell, most of those Hubble pictures look like paintings anyway; wouldn't it be great if NASA held a press conference and were laughing there asses off, everything about outer space they've told us is just shit they made up? "We got to make up outer space shit to wow you with AND we got billions from the government!!" Gus Grissom comes walking out with a sheepish grin on his face, "Hi guys! I'm okay!" Basically, there answer to everything thereafter is "Really, we have no fucking idea. Comets? Who the fuck knows what those things are?"

Just saying. It'd be funny.

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