Sunday, November 30, 2008

Everything's Awesome!!!

Some people, including Yglesias, are writing that Saxby Chambliss is "clueless" or "stupid" re: not knowing what a recession is, or that we're in one. Not me - I refuse to believe a US Senator could possibly NOT know the answer to both questions. I do, however, think Chambliss is an idiot for using the ol "hey, everything's awesome!" political tactic when he has an election in 2 days. I mean, is there anybody left, even in Georgia, who does not understand that the "everything's awesome!!" doctrine is partly why we're in such deep shit in the first place? Wouldn't you think it'd be smarter to just come out and say "we're all fucked, but I'm gonna fight like the devil to get us out of this mess"? I think if Chambliss keeps this nonsense up eventually John Q. Voter will think "well maybe YOU'RE not in a recession, but I am" and resent Chambliss' condescension and vote for his opponent? Nothing says "I couldn't care less about you" quite like "I'm rich, so shut the fuck up," does it?

The Everything's Awesome Doctrine. Another great legacy of Bush. Way to go 43!!!!

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