Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Fucking Fuckity Fuck!

One of the annoying parts of blogging every day is when you get "scooped." By scooped I don't mean someone else finds something else out and writes about it. In my own blogging sense, "scooped" means having thought of something you think is very intelligent, thought-out and new/outside of the box, a totally new view or thought....and then not bothering to post it right away, just kinda letting it marinade for a while. And then kinda forgetting about it for awhile. And then BAM! Someone else lets it out to the public.

For over a year now I've been planning some massive Manifesto-styled post on why the United States needs to break up into four different countries. We're simply too big, too sprawling with too many people with too many interests - it's hard for people to come under the same rules as dictated by people thousands of miles away, neither group of people ever knowing or understanding each other (my old "dudes in Idaho voting on dudes in NJ not being allowed to kiss" argument, for example.) My desire for teachers to be paid in 6 figures should not be disqualified by people who care only about their right to own as many guns as possible. And on and on and on. And vice versa. We've just gotten too big, in every way.

I was going to be named brilliant, and probably president of one of the new countries (XMASLAND?) and just now some fucking commie has beaten me to the punch (albeit based more on the economy itself.) I can't even find any of my "notes" from before. So I'm not a genius. Grrrr.

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