Monday, November 24, 2008

The Happy Scene

Coming up at 6pm tonite is the BH 90210 episode Unreal World. I tell you this for two reasons:

1) it contains the scene when David admits his feelings for his ex Donna with the line "I still love Donna." I was watching the episode when it came on in 1995, and that line struck me, so much that I wrote a song with that as the title (obviously about an ex of my own...not Donna (heart!) Martin.) A few months later I came up to NYC to make a record, and this was one of the songs on that record. Of course the normal thing to do right now would be to post an mp3 of that song, but I don't seem to have one on me. Though I can link you to The Happy Scene's MySpace, which includes some of the other songs from that record. Tho not the one I'm talking about...which kinda makes this post pointless...but I've already been typing for a few minutes so fuck it.

2) this also shows that my pathetic, bordering-on-the-"my friends should really ditch me" obsession with 90210 is not a recent phenomenon, but dates back at least a decade and a half. That's in case any of you ladies were out there thinking of me as having testicles and being sexually desirable. This should take care of that.

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