Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hoya Paranoia: Scouting Episode

I love watching the HBO doc Perfect Upset, the story of Villanova upsetting Georgetown in the 1985 NCAA Championship game. My favorite bit is John Thompson talking about when some scout asked him to come with him to see a kid play that the scout was interested in signing to Georgetown. Thompson goes to see the kid, but his eye is caught by the kid's teammate: 7-foot tall Patrick Ewing.

What? The scout...hadn't noticed Patrick Ewing playing alongside this kid before? Really?

Fucking christ. I wonder what happened to that scout...if I'm Thompson, on one hand I'm like "thanks for leading me to Ewing, you completely changed the course of my career and the history of college basketball." On the other hand I'd be like "Boy, are you a shitty scout. You're fired."

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